How Legends are Made Podcast

How Legends are Made Podcast

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The POWER and PERILS of living the pack mentality
November 23, 2015

Welcome to your most powerful day of your week; Monday Motivation!! #Booyah We all want to be included, in fact the pack mentality is a necessary part of life, but what happens when your need to be included interferes with your BIG Dreams?

The most powerful ‘KNOCK-KNOCK’ game you will ever play…..
November 16, 2015

Let's play a little game. - Me - "Knock Knock." You - "Who's there?" Me - "Your." You -"Your who?" Me - "Your opportunity!!" - Before I get to this weeks Monday Motivation, let me tell you about my incredible week.  This past Friday,

It’s time to CHANGE how you see CHANGE!
November 09, 2015

Here we gooooo!  Monday Motivation Time! - ​Thank you thank you thank you for all your comments, shares and responses to the Monday Motivation. I'm blown away at how the Monday Motivation community has grown,

Buckle up, it’s YOUR time to be like MJ!
November 02, 2015

Welcome to your MONDAY MOTIVATION!   The question to ask yourself isn’t; will YOU achieve success? It's; have YOU started? That's right. We all have challenges, and truth is, where YOU are now doesn’t have to be where YOU finish…but YOU MUST GET STA...

How does Steve Jobs overcome struggle?
October 26, 2015

Here is the moment you have been waiting for; Monday Motivation!! - Often times we resist struggle, but the reality is... YOUR struggle helps you grow! That's right, when life brings you struggle, it also brings you GROWTH! -

What’s the Marcus Stroman factor?
October 19, 2015

Are you ready?  It's Monday Motivation time.... #Booyah - What do you do when people GIVE UP on YOU?  That's right, no matter what you do, there will be people who give up on you! It has happened to me, and it can happen WHEN you least expect it. So,

Are you a risk taker?
October 12, 2015

It's your time for YOUR Monday Motivation!!!   If you were standing on the EDGE of a cliff, looking down at YOUR DREAMS, would YOU jump, or would jumping be too risky?  What if, while standing there contemplating your next move,

Judgements, Judgements, Judgements…. can you make them stop?
September 14, 2015

Monday Motivation time......Your most powerful day of your week! - Holy cow.... Judgements from family, friends and co-workers are bad enough, but judging YOURSELF; Now that's a dream killer! - Are you ready to stop taking things personally?

What happens when people stop believing in you?
September 07, 2015

MMMMMMonday Motivation is here! #BOOYAH - What dream are you chasing? What do you do when people turn they backs on you? Who knows why people do this, and when you do, you have a choice; Stop because someone said so, or Push on! -

Do you choose worry or happy?
August 31, 2015

MMMMMMonday Motivation is here! #BOOYAH - Would you believe that 80% of what you worry about never materializes? Not only is that statistic true, worry is the anchor that holds you down and keeps you from making your greatest dreams happen. -