How Legends are Made Podcast

How Legends are Made Podcast

Latest Episodes

Why are you being so selfish?
January 18, 2016

Welcome to Monday Motivation! No matter where you are or what you are doing, you have gifts to share with the world!   Despite your current situation and regardless of what is going in for you right now, somebody, somewhere needs your GIFTS! -

Would you believe success and failure are both stopping you? Oh ya…it’s true
January 11, 2016

It's Monday Motivation time! #Booyah - When I was a 27 I hit rock bottom; no where to live and no job. I was depressed and lost. - Then, in my darkest hour, I learned a lesson that changed my life; sustainable success is achieved through momentum and...

Would you believe success and failure are both stopping you? Oh ya…it’s true
January 11, 2016

It’s Monday Motivation time! #Booyah When I was a 27 I hit rock bottom; no where to live and no job. I was depressed and lost. Then, in my darkest hour, I learned a… read more →

Challenges holding you back?
January 04, 2016

Its time!!!  Monday Motivation is here! Challenges never affect your outcome; what you do in the face of the challenges does.  Reality is, challenges will appear in your life. BIG DEAL! I know you have more to give.

Challenges holding you back?
January 04, 2016

Its time!!!  Monday Motivation is here! Challenges never affect your outcome; what you do in the face of the challenges does.  Reality is, challenges will appear in your life. BIG DEAL! I know you have more to give.

When you dream what do you focus on?
December 28, 2015

Your most powerful day is here!  It’s MONDAY and that can only mean one thing; MONDAY MOTIVATION!! 95% or people don’t dream big enough. Do you know why?  Because they lack self belief!  Yes,… read more →

What’s stopping you from being great?
December 21, 2015

It’s TIME! Your most powerful day is here; Monday Motivation! This weeks Episode will shake you to the core!  There is noting more to say!     I love hearing from you! What’s… read more →

Do you worry you won’t do it?
December 14, 2015

Are you ready??? It's time! Monday Motivation time! - I know you want to make your epic goals a reality, and here's the thing; you'll never achieve them alone. That's right, no matter how hard you work, how long you grind or how much effort you put in...

What’s the ROI of your mother?
December 07, 2015

Hey Hey Hey, it’s MM time! Your most powerful day of your week!! When was the last time you measured your success by the value you brought to others?  Do you make your team better because you help lift others up?

What are the 2 greatest moments of your life?
November 30, 2015

It's TIME! Monday Motivation. The 2 greatest moments of your life; 1) Your birth ​2) When you realized why you were born - So, why are you here? Seriously, what gifts do you have within you that need to be shared with the world? -