Howard Bloom Saves The Universe, hosted by Chad Dougatz

Howard Bloom Saves The Universe, hosted by Chad Dougatz

Latest Episodes

Trump And Sanders - Opposites Attracting New Devotees
March 13, 2016

At first glance, Mr. Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders may seem to have nothing in common. But as Howard Bloom reveals, the fact that they are beholden to no corporate entity makes them very, very, similar. Both New Yorkers, both free to speak...

Authenticity's Draw
March 07, 2016

This week Howard Bloom explains the draw of authenticity. We see it in our entertainers and politicians, and the most successful are the most authentic.... so what does it take to be authentic? Tune in to find out.

Finding The True Fountain Of Youth
February 29, 2016

Howard Bloom is in his 70s, but you would never know it by looking at him. This week, Howard tells us several tricks he uses to keep himself young. He also says the most important thing is to surround himself with young people.

Is Our Society Killing Itself? Or Should We Have Hope?
February 22, 2016

On this episode of the podcast, Howard Bloom says he is tired of hearing Western society apologize for its successes. According to Howard, we must delight in our accomplishments, or perish. He calls it the suicide of Western society. But as host Chad...

Balance Beaming - Howard's Yin-Yang Principle
February 05, 2016

America's founding fathers did something right when they put in three branches of government, they ensured balance. This week, Howard Bloom posits the importance of balance in everything we do. He argues you can't have capitalism without communism,...

A Deep Dive Into Howard's Mind
January 18, 2016

What does the manager of a successful baseball team do when he needs to close the deal? He calls in the closer. Well, in an effort to get even further into the mind of Howard Bloom, this week we welcome our own closer Brian Avers to the show. Brian is...

Do You Really Have To Have High Hopes?
December 28, 2015

The New Year is upon us, and this week Howard Bloom and Chad Dougatz take a look at the annual tradition of resolutions. What exactly is a resolution, and how are they different from aspirations, fantasies, dreams, and aspirations. This is one episode...

Holidays, Are They Really Holy?
December 21, 2015

Just in time for Christmas, Howard Bloom and Chad Dougatz go into depth on the origin of holidays as a whole. Why are holidays important in society? Why do we celebrate Christmas as when we do? How about all the other holy days? This is one season...

Radical Militant Islam and Terrorism
December 08, 2015

On this edition of Howard Bloom Saves the Universe, we tackle the timely issue of radical Islamic terrorism. Howard has studied the history of Islam and his unique perspective offers insight into how and why Muslim members of faith can become...

Politics and Politicians
November 28, 2015

With the general election less than one year away, it is time for Howard Bloom to save us from politicians and politics. We delve into the history of dirty campaigning, posturing, fear mongering, and more. And here's a hint, it didn't start with...
