Howard Bloom Saves The Universe, hosted by Chad Dougatz

Howard Bloom Saves The Universe, hosted by Chad Dougatz

Latest Episodes

Is Trump Stealing Hitler's Playbook
November 02, 2016

Dr. Richard Richard Koenigsberg joins us back in the studio to discuss the final days of Election 2016. Richard, Howard, and Chad tackle the many controversial (and successful) tactics Donald J. Trump is using on the campaign trail, and whether...

The Importance of Validation
October 19, 2016

Just how important is validation in our society and to an individual? This week, we take a deep dive into the concept of validation, and what it means to feel accepted by others. Validation, it's not just for parking your car. 

Understanding Neurodiversity
September 26, 2016

This week we are delighted to have in, direct from Knoxville, Tennessee, Dr. Lois Prislovsky. Dr. Prislovsky is a psychologist who works with patients on the Autism spectrum as well as those with OCD, ADHD, and more. She, along with her business...

Space Tiles and Other Bloom Fascinations
September 19, 2016

This week Howard and Chad discuss one of Mr. Bloom's many projects, SPACE TILES. Now, before you get all misty-eyed, I promise you this episode will enlighten you like now other. We learn about Howard's fascination with saving the world, one...

The State of the Presidential Election - 2 Months Out
September 04, 2016

On this most anticipated episode of the show, we discuss the state of the election today. Does Donald Trump have a prayer, or will the former Secretary of State and New York Senator become the first ever female President? It's Hillary and Donald all...

Laws of Attraction, or, "F You Mother Nature"
July 05, 2016

This week's show tackles the nagging question: "why does our waist increase the older we get." The answer, you'll be surprised to find out, has everything to do with mother nature, and more importantly, her desire for us to fuck her over. So build...

Understanding the Motives Behind Orlando
June 21, 2016

This week, Howard and Chad take a look at the worst mass killings in American History, the Pulse Nightclub shootings that left 49 dead and dozens injured. You won't want to miss this illuminating conversation into the motives of a mad men, the gun...

LIFE: Purposeful or Empty
May 16, 2016

This week's episode gets the the core of it all, life! We open the show by asking, is life empty and meaningless. Our journey into the mind of Howard Bloom then touches, moves, and inspires us to delve into perhaps the greatest quesetion man...

Blood, Sacrifice, and the Dying for One's Country
May 09, 2016

What compels a group of soldiers to willingly run into a barrage of automatic weapons during World War I? How did the kamikaze pilots come to belief their actions were warranted? And what would happen if we completely abandon the concept of...

Prince - The Passing Of A Legend
April 25, 2016

Howard Bloom reflects on the passing of Prince, the legendary musician with whom Howard had the chance to work with for seven years in the 1980s. 
