Howard Bloom Saves The Universe, hosted by Chad Dougatz

Howard Bloom Saves The Universe, hosted by Chad Dougatz

Latest Episodes

Sin, It's A Sin
November 04, 2015

Pride. Greed. Lust, Gluttony. Sloth. Wrath. Envy. These seven deadly sins have been passed down as a guide to better living. Howard Bloom argues however,that they are actually virtues in disguise. When you're done listening to this episode, you're...

Michael Jackson Ignorance
October 26, 2015

You've heard the rumors and speculation, now get a handle on the truth. This week, Howard Bloom Saves the Universe from Michael Jackson ignorance. Howard had the fortune to work with Michael and the Jackson family in the 80s and shares with us what it...

God, Good?
October 12, 2015

This week Howard Bloom takes on a tale as old as the Bible, that of God. Who and what is God? Why do we need a God? And, if Howard claims to be an atheist, why does he support people believing in a God? It's a holy rollercoaster of a show. As always,...

Sex, What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything
October 09, 2015

This week we delve into Howard Bloom's mind to unravel a mystery as old as life, sex. George Michael sand, "Not everybody does it, but everybody should" and once you hear Howard's take on the subject, you'll understand just how hard-wired humans are...

Aliens, UFOs, and Are We Alone?!?
September 29, 2015

The universe is an awfully full place, it would be a shame if we are alone. So are we? This is the question posed to Howard Bloom. And his answers just may surprise you.  

The Rapture, Armageddon, and the End of the World
September 21, 2015

Howard Bloom saves us from doomsday
