House of Lee NYC

House of Lee NYC

Happy New Year 2021: Tips for Zoom Backgrounds and Hemp/Bamboo Cutting Boards

January 15, 2021

Learn what makes a good Zoom background JPG -- and what to do when your cutting boards bow or curve -- in Episode 99 of the House of Lee NYC! You'll find out why Lee loves entering the year 2021 and why it makes her life more efficient!

Show Mentions & Lee Sightings & Random Things Lee Purchased on Amazon This Week:
– Bamboo cutting boards, click HERE.
– Hot glue gun, click HERE.
(*Lee is now an Amazon Associate and earns a commission from qualifying purchases such as this one. It costs you nothing, but helps keep the show going.)

Please do share the show with at least two other people – it’s as easy as clicking the “Share” button within your favorite podcast app or directing folks to Lee thanks you for allowing her to be part of your day.

[P.S. House of Lee NYC is on YouTube. Click HERE to see Lee live in person. Sorta. She's a little behind on uploading, so bear with her, please.]

Want to Work With Lee?
If you’d like to have Lee do the following for you or someone in your network, then please do reach out to her for availability at lee @  or via phone at (212) 6 5 5-9 8 4 0:
A). Host/Emcee your event – or record a live show at your function
B). Help you with starting or editing a podcast
B). Photograph your business event or take care of your speaker photo needs:
C). Help release certain blocks with EFT Tapping:

And, as always, thank you so much for listening. Would you please share the show with at least two other people and show them how to subscribe. (Thank you!) What tips or guests would you like to hear about in an upcoming episode?

If you’ve wondered how to support Lee and the show, why not treat her to a cup of coffee – or a salad! Click HERE -- or on the button!

The House of Lee NYC, a division of WLEE Media, LLC, is available at Apple Casts/iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher and your favorite podcast app. (Lee is working on the issue with iHeart Radio.)

Leave your comments and questions via voice for Lee at – or call or email Lee at: lee @ or (212) 6 5 5 – 9 8 4 0. Lee can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.