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Episode 0: Central City Stories Finale

September 27, 2015

Recently we wrapped up our longstanding play test of Metahumans Rising. It may seem odd to start a new series with the end of another game. However, this post is a kind of stepping stone for everyone here at House Dok. With an eye towards things to come, we decided to record the game session and see what it looks like on the site.
Presented here is the conclusion to our Central City Stories campaign. Set “somewhere in Middle-America” Central City was divided by  a wide river that helped turn the city into a major hub of commerce. Of course with that commerce came crime. The Work in Progress,  emerged after a number of heroes banded together to stop a number of strange museum heists. Together they have battled everything from the Asian crime syndicates to interdenominational worms.
As we come to the climax of the campaign our heroes are returning from an investigation that took them to Utah and led to the arrest of a hero’s Father-In-Law. For months another hero has been plagued by visions and as we enter this final session we find out what they mean.  are at the end of the campaign there.
There are some audio issues but we hope you enjoy this look at our last session in Central City, the home we created for our first player heroes.
Our Heroes, the Work in Progress
Meet the Work In Progress, Central City’s first super team.
A veteran hero and necromancer, Copenhagen has returned to the struggle after the death of his daughter, Ophelia, in an underground fighting ring. While his daughter may have passed on, she continues to fight along his side as a spirit.
Stunt cyclist and martial artist Equinox was infused with the power of the Soul Stone a mystic artifact that placed his destiny on a collision course with a millenias old dragon. Trained by the spirits of the masters trapped within the stone Equinox has learned to channel his chi as fire and ice.
A psychiatrist by day and vigilante by night. Once a happily married woman her husband and children were slain by an assassin hired to kill her. Traveling the carnival circuit for years she eventually tracked down the assassin and in bringing him to justice became the twin pistol wielding acrobatic hero Heliquin.
The daughter of a local detective and the hero Lifespark. Tecnica’s powers manifested at an early age. Able to manipulate electronics and machines Tecnica turned her genius to invention after the death of her mother at the hands of a local gang.
Previous Adventurers & Related Events
Here are a few things you may want to know about our campaign.
The Dragon Rising
For the past several months Equinox has been plagued by visions of destruction and an old man walking though a frozen Central City.  His most recent vision showed the fall of the Dragon and the forging of the Soul Stone by the God of the Sky from a single tear shed by the Lord of the underworld Enma.
Sins of the Father I
Early in their c