HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

Ep 71 – #DeflateGate

October 06, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015   |   HotScast Episode #71   |   Hosts:  Vincent (Rilandune), Mike (Fimlys), & Kali (NerdiChar)
HotSCast Episode 71 - #DeflateGate! HotSCast is YOUR source for all the Heroes of the Storm coverage you can handle! Find us online at, on Twitter @HotSCast, on,, on Google+ and Facebook as HotSCast. Email the show! This week we talk PTR patch notes, the introduction of Lt. Morales - the StarCraft Medic, and MUCH more!! Enjoy! And if you do, please leave us a review on iTunes, or Stitcher, or whatever podcast catcher of your choosing! That is the best help you can provide in growing the show, Thanks!!

Week of September 29-October 6, 2015
Sale Items:

Murky -- Sale Price: $4.24 USD
Grunty Murky Skin -- Sale Price: $4.99 USD
Magni Muradin Skin -- Sale Price: $4.99 USD

Free Hero Rotation:

Johanna (Slot unlocked at Player Level 12)
Sgt. Hammer (Slot unlocked at Player Level 15)





Community Spotlight


Letter from listener and friend of the show DeGei Dragon


Greetings to my favorite of Heroes of the Storm Podcasts, After spending a good deal of time playing Rexxar, I have a list of thoughts on where he is good and why it just doesn't work. Rexxar has some of the best talents and abilities on a single hero in the game currently. His map and fight control are quite solid. Misha can be talented to make her near unkillable in ways Diablo, Stitches, and ETC can only dream (currently). His Heroics aren't major selling points, but they serve decent roles, Bestial Wrath is okay most of the time if uninteresting. Release the Boars is a great finisher, but requires timing to use right. Choice on these comes down to play style more than anything. Otherwise looking at his setup, Rexxar would appear to be King.

Here in lies the problem, with such a great boon as Misha, Rexxar goes from being the Hero to being the liability. He is about on par with Valla's base survivability but without the escape or sustain talents. If Misha is in the action and Rexxar has an assassin dive him (Illidan, Zeratul, Butcher) he will be dead a good deal of the time before Misha can reach him. Which brings us to the key problem, none of Misha's talents matter once Rexxar dies, as that kills her instantly. If Rexxar is your only Warrior/Tank, then your team is going to have issues. I'm not going to immediately say a great player won't be able to tank with Misha alone in a team fight, but it's an uphill battle only made slightly and temporarily easier at level 16 with Feign Death.

All those cons stated, I think Rexxar may find a place. He and Misha are possibly the best "Junglers" in HotS. Focusing on the "Easy Prey" talent and increased damage against non-heroes and the two of the can easily solo bosses and other camps without equal. Flare at level 1 is a decent stop gap to help against the stealth ganks he is prone to. So the role he fills is a Jungle/Anti-Roam Roamer. His weaknesses are most apparent when the enemy comes to him, but when he is picking the way and where fights start, he becomes much more powerful. I know that sounds like every hero,