HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

Ep 43 - Vincenardo Divinci, PAX EAST!!

March 12, 2015

HotSCast Episode 43 – Vincenardo DiVinci, PAX EAST!! – HotSCast is YOUR source for all the Heroes of the Storm coverage you can handle! Find us online at, on Twitter @HotSCast, on,, on Google+ and Facebook as HotSCast. Email the show! This week we are joined by Adam from The Nexus Podcast and we discuss the coming of Sylvanas, the new Battleground – Tomb of the Spider Queen, and all the PAX East news! And so much more!! Enjoy! And if you do, please leave us a review on iTunes, or Stitcher, or whatever podcast catcher of your choosing! That is the best help you can provide in growing the show, Thanks!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015   |   HotScast Episode #43   |   Hosts:  Vincent (Rilandune), Mike (Fimlys), & Kali (NerdiChar) – Special Guests:  Adam (randomgeek)


As you can see we’ve been nominated as one of the Favorite Heroes of the Storm Community Shows in 2014 by Blizzard! If you can head to the link here: and vote for the show we’d LOVE YOU FOR IT!! :)

Hit the break for all the show notes, embedded video, and links!!


Tyrande — Sale Price: $4.24 USD

Blood Elf Tyrande Skin — Sale Price: $4.99 USD

Chef Stitches Skin — Sale Price: $4.99 USD

Week of Tuesday, March 10, 2015:

  • E.T.C.
  • Li Li
  • Nova
  • Rehgar
  • Tyrael
  • Azmodan (Available after you reach player level 12)
  • Jaina (Available after you reach player level 15)



Dire Wolf & Cyber Wolf will be leaving the shop when the patch hits. Golden Cyber Wolf will still be available through two bundles. Magic Carpet and Lunar Tiger will be back in the store when the patch hits and won’t be part of a bundle, so you can buy just the mounts if you wanted them but didn’t want the bundles they were attached to.


Heroes of the Dorm – play Heroes to win college tuition and more, with over $450,000 in prizes. Once you sign up your team, you get Beta Access (open until March 26). Open qualifiers run March 28-29. The top 64 teams will advance to single elimination bracket play starting April 11. The top 4 teams will compete in the live finals event, which will be broadcasted on ESPN in late April! The coolest part is that you can participate even if you don’t compete. Spectators can create fantasy teams to compete for prizes as well! Fantasy brackets will be available April 3.



  • Withering Fire (Q) fires the closest unit, prioritizing heroes. Has 5 charges and can be used while on the move (has no animation wind-up).

  • She also needs to “recharge” her Q by absorbing minion souls – unclear if it requires last hits, but it seems like she just needs to be around when they die.
  • Shadow Dagger (W) seems to have a very short range. Spreads its effect over time.
  • Corruption (Trait): any damage she deals (through any skill or auto attacks) disables minions, mercs and structures.
  • Haunting Wave (E) - Sylvanas’ body stays behind and she can be killed during this delay. Apparently can be specced to grant Stealth while the Wave travels.
  • Wailing Arrow (R1) - shoots an arrow and needs to be activated again to explode, silencing enemies.
  • Possession (R2) - not very useful in big fights, it’s not gonna turn an entire team fight around. But it creates a new factor to be considered – Mercs can be turned against teams. Seems to have a very low cooldown for lane minions.

PATCH  PAX NOTES (har har har)

Possible Show Titles:

Hoppity McHopperson

Blinky McBlinkerson

Vincenardo Divinci ****

Sylvanas Specialistic

Nerd Germ Hatin

Northeast Nerds

Rogue Stabby Stabby

Chen Should be > All

General Support Awesomeness

Thanks to Adam for joining us, don’t forget to check him out on The Nexus Podcast!!