HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

Episode 7 - 2nd Developer Q&A, 1st Heroes 101! (Audio)

January 29, 2014

This week the HotSCast team go over the 2nd Developer Q&A that Blizzard recorded live on their Twitch channel, followed by some live Gameplay on the Haunted Mines map shoutcasted by Day 9. We go over all the new information, adding in our own take and pontification. Also this week we launched the 1st of what will be a regular segment on each show – Heroes 101 – to teach those new to the Hero Brawler (or MOBA) genre how to make the transition from whatever type of game they are playing now (such as an MMO like World of Warcraft or an RTS like Starcraft 2) to playing Heroes of the Storm. As always we had a fantastic time recording the show, and we know you’ll have even more fun listening in!

Hit the break for more and the embedded audio!

We love feedback! So don’t forget to tweet at the show (@HotScast) or send us an email ( or leave us a comment below! We’d love to hear from you, the listeners! Whatever feedback we receive we will read out on the show, and everyone likes hearing their name on a podcast! Everyone, I tell you, everyone!
