HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

HotSCast - A Heroes of the Storm Podcast

Episode 4 - Heroes Is LFTM, Looking For Team Members (Audio)

December 18, 2013

This week the your HotSCast hosts dive back into the universe of Heroes of the Storm.  Sadly there wasn’t much information to talk about as of the time of recording other than a job posting Blizzard put up on LinkedIn for a Senior Software Engineer for both the Heroes of the Storm and Starcraft 2 teams.

More after the break!

As is the case with life and podcasting the very next afternoon from when we recorded Monday night Blizzard held a Heroes of the Storm Developer Q&A on Twitch, so we will be recording something soon to discuss what they spoke on there, so stay tuned to the feed!

We’ll likely record a little mini-cast to go over what the Q&A discussed as next Monday night I’m unable to make the normal recording time, and that is schedule for either a League or DotA stream night.

The Q&A did cover a lot of things we’ve been wondering, but also left us salivating for a beta!

