Hot Chicks With Superpowers

Hot Chicks With Superpowers

Latest Episodes

Ep 108: I Robot, You Jane
April 12, 2016

Our hosts chat about the mechanics of 90s online dating, how great it is to have a Willow-centric episode, and the amazing introduction of Jenny Calendar, the techno-pagan wonder!

Ep 107: Angel
April 05, 2016

This week our hosts discuss the questionable circumstances that would lead to a barbeque fork in the neck, the logistics of funding an immortal lifestlye by male modeling, and fangirl over an amazing soul-filled vampire in today's episode "Angel"

Ep 106: The Pack
March 29, 2016

Our hosts worry about the mental health of Sunnydale High’s bullies and plan a Buffy/Orange is the New Black crossover in today’s episode, “The Pack.”

Ep 105: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
March 22, 2016

In today’s episode, our hosts speculate about the Bronze’s menu, where we can purchase our own tiger print jackets, and discuss the policies surrounding baked goods in schools.

Ep 104: Teacher's Pet
March 15, 2016

Our hosts try to make sense of Sunnydale High's science curriculum, discuss the mystical and gendered problems with a mating 'she-mantis', and coach Hannah through a medical emergency in today's episode 104, Teacher's Pet.

Ep 103: Witch
March 02, 2016

Our hosts wax nostalgic about Bring It On and chide Joss Whedon's inability to time travel in this discussion of episode 103, Witch.   

Ep 101/102: Welcome to the Hellmouth & The Harvest
February 29, 2016

Welcome to Hot Chicks with Superpowers! Join us as we chat about the two-parter beginning of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
