Hospitality Digital Marketing Podcast

Hospitality Digital Marketing Podcast

Podcast 121 September 16th 2016

September 20, 2016
Hello everyone and welcome to Hospitality Digital Marketing the podcast, I am your host Loren gray and this is episode #121,  we are airing Friday, September 16th, 2016 where every week we spend around 20 minutes sharing the most interesting tools, news,and techniques being used in digital marketing for the hospitality industry. We also do a quick recap of our weekly Live Video show “This Week in Hospitality Digital Marketing” which also airs every Friday at 10:30 am Central US Time. SO let's get started;

Show 58 recap;

minute 10 -- the need for pictures is extreme, but great ones — Henry

minute 22 — what type of people to in a picture, if even to have them

minute 27 — bad pictures are the worst thing that people do

minute 31 — what is ICEPortal

minute 37 — pricing for ICEPortal

Minute 40 — image analytics and tracking and tagging of photos

Minute 51 — types of pictures are needed for specific things, the need to tag correctly and there use in personalization

Minute 53 — Discussion of AR and 360 videos and images

Minute 62 — What is the real value of images, and what can properties do regardless of budget

Minute 68 — Henry has to leave

Minute 70 — Concur buys hipmunk

Minute 73 — Tim feels that the Apple launch of the wireless EarPods mainstreams the use of voice as the primary means of interaction

Minute 87 — Voice interaction in home and on all of the internet of things

Minute 90 — technology integration into hotel rooms for personalization

Minute 95 — Bots running Bots?

Minute 98 — RedLion Buys Vantage… pieces to a puzzle or short term play

Minute 102 — OTA’s impact report of hotels direct channel campaigns

Post Direct Booking Summit Conference debrief with Dean Schmit as we discuss the Seminar for MetaSearch he held as well as highlights and insights we both had of the presentations. All of this is available for review at including a rebroadcast of the Facebook Live show of the Seminar.

(Play Deans Interview)

Remember — you can find us on Google play / apple iTunes / talkshoe / soundcloud / Stitcher no matter which one you may use, if you like the show please rate us and leave a comment. Also if this is your first time hearing us, you can subscribe to our show on any of those platforms as well. For an archive of all previous podcasts you can go to and don’t forget our live video talk show that you can join and participated in every Friday at 10:30 central US time, called "this week in hospitality digital marketing show". on or simply go to