Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks Episode 148: Inflammatory Response in Horses

August 03, 2024

The Horse Geeks Podcast - Where we look at horses and riding from the inside out

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Topic: Although Deb and I are not experts in this field, we share our experiences of how inflammation has become a training issue in different horses we have worked with. Diet related inflammation has shown up in many ways that have been hard to detect. But once detected and addressed, the horses that had been really struggling to progress in training all turned around. When training feels stuck or behavior is not improving, we both now look at underlying issues that may be affecting both behavior and movement. I am much faster these days, because of past experiences, to change horses to forage based diets, test for lymes, epm or cushings or even check for allergies. All of these underlying problems, causing inflammation in the body, can manifest very differently for different individuals. They symptoms can be subtle and easy to write off as a behavior issue or bad conformation. I now think it is always worth trying a diet change or getting some inexpensive diagnostics done.

Guest: Deb Romero, certified Alexander Technique Instructor

The workbook series mentioned is only available at:
Host: Kirsten Nelsen, professional horse trainer
Developer of Training for Optimal Balance