Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks Episode 139: Instability Is A Big Deal

June 02, 2024

The Horse Geeks Podcast - Where we look at horses and riding from the inside out

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Topic: Discussion about how our stability and our horse's stability - or lack of it - is fundamental to functional use and balance. A loss of stability can create fear or stress for our horse that affects all aspects of health. It does not matter if instability is temporary, as part of development and improving coordination, or chronic. Feeling unstable feels terrible to us and our horses. A fundamental lack of stability though the use of the skull, spine and pelvis can actually be the root cause of why our horse appears to resist training or appear disobedient. Not feeling stable means individuals might not feel safe in their own skin. And stabilizing the midline of the body is something we can all do and help our horse do too.

Guest: Deb Romero, certified Alexander Technique Instructor

The workbook series mentioned is only available at:
Host: Kirsten Nelsen, professional horse trainer
Developer of Training for Optimal Balance
