Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks Episode 135: Problems Are Imbalances

June 02, 2024

The Horse Geeks Podcast – Where we look at horses and riding from the inside out

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Topic: Turning our thoughts and language around is part of shifting our objectives from task oriented training into mastering balance. Qualities are neither good or bad. What we call problems are those qualities that we have in excess or that our horse has in excess. Once we identify an excess, then we know exactly where we need to begin building skills – on the opposite side of any quality. Too much whoa and too much go are both problems only in excess. When the skill of whoa is balanced with the skill of go, then we enjoy the ride. Balancing go and whoa is just one simple example of how to perceive “problems” from a much different perspective, which then helps us guide our horse through struggle or skill development in order to build a solid, balanced foundation of skills.

Guest: Deb Romero, certified Alexander Technique Instructor

The workbook series mentioned is only available at:

Host: Kirsten Nelsen, professional horse trainer

Developer of Training for Optimal Balance

The post Horse Geeks Episode 135: Problems Are Imbalances appeared first on Kirsten Nelsen.
