Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks Episode 126: Horse Postures And Frames

March 09, 2024

The Horse Geeks Podcast – Where we look at horses and riding from the inside out

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Topic: Discussion about the important differences, in concept and practice, between various horse postures and working to gain the right frame while our horse is working. We talk about the two essential postures for riders, vertically upright or crouched in a half-seat posture. But both essential postures still allow for huge variances in coordination for all riders. The same is true for horses. There are essentially four basic postures, related to the use of the spine, but an allowance or variance within each posture depending on the horse. Also some discussion about how much our human hands and use of the reins can influence our horse’s ability to balance and change postures, for better or worse!

Guest: Deb Romero, certified Alexander Technique Instructor

The workbook series mentioned on this podcast is only available at:

Host: Kirsten Nelsen, professional horse trainer

Developer of Training for Optimal Balance

The post Horse Geeks Episode 126: Horse Postures And Frames appeared first on Kirsten Nelsen.
