Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks

Horse Geeks Episode 124: Straight On A Circle

January 31, 2024

The Horse Geeks Podcast – Where we look at horses and riding from the inside out

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Topic: Discussion about the traditional idea of “straight on a circle” meaning that we bend our horse’s midline into the shape of the circle compared to the biomechanically correct idea of a straight midline that travels around a circle. The prevalence of the idea that we bend our horse’s midline onto the shape of the circle is one of the fastest ways to cause problems for our horse, whether we ride circles or do lateral work. Understanding how the body works and how the spine can remain straight and stable while tracking a circle or doing lateral work is how we strengthen our horse’s body safely. The two ideas of how to be “straight on a circle” are as different to our horses’s body as night and day. The idea we ride with makes all the difference to our horse’s well being.

Guest: Deb Romero, certified Alexander Technique Instructor

The workbook series mentioned on this podcast is only available at:

Host: Kirsten Nelsen, professional horse trainer

Developer of Training for Optimal Balance

The post Horse Geeks Episode 124: Straight On A Circle appeared first on Kirsten Nelsen.
