Horror Movie Talk

Horror Movie Talk

Train to Busan Review

May 26, 2021

We watched Train to Busan, and it was a bullet train to fun!

* (0:36) - Intro* (6:14) - Synopsis* (6:47) - Review* (13:57) - Score* (22:35) - Spoilers* (1:08:00) - Zombie Movie or Not Zombie Movie* (1:21:20) - Outro

@dgoebel00 on Instagram provided this amazing artwork. Follow him and check out his website.

Train to Busan Trailer


Train to Busan can be found on Shudder as well as on Tubi and Crackle with ads.


This synopsis is very easy. While a father takes his and daughter to her mothers house in Busan, a widespread zombie outbreak spills onto their bullet train. Wacky hijinx ensue.

More detail?

I have a sense there is a reader that wants more detail.

The action starts with a reported leak in a biotech building starts spreading a zombie disease that makes zombies. The cynical workaholic protagonist is taking his daughter to Busan on the bullet train when chaos breaks out in the station. There is much confusion, but over time, it's revealed that some of the infected have made their way onto the Train to Busan.

The super aggressive contortionist zombies start taking over the train until only a few small bands of survivors remain.

Like most zombie movies, there are many archetypal characters and dramatic relationships that explore all the implications of a zombie outbreak.

Good enough? Ok, let's move on.

This is the poster to Train to Busan

Review of Train to Busan

I’m pretty jaded on zombie films. The variation of content in zombie movies only barely beats out the variation in content found in slashers. It’s a very simple premise. You set some simple human story with the backdrop of the zombie apocalypse. Rinse, repeat.

In rare occasions, there are uniquely new interpretations of this genre. This would be one of them. This one takes the runner zombies from 28 days later, and puts them on a train. Honestly in describing it, it sounds much less impressive. But nevertheless, this zombie film feels fresh and brings a new perspective to the same old story.

This film really excels at pacing. It’s not long, but zombie movies often feel like an eternity to me. This one kept me engaged throughout.

Since Night of the Living Dead, social commentary has been built into pretty much every zombie movie, and this one is no exception. However, it keeps it simple. Should you help people or not. You’ll have to watch the movie to find out which.

Watch Train to BusanWatch on Amazon