Horror Movie Talk

Horror Movie Talk

Pieces Review

February 10, 2021

We watched Pieces on Shudder, and it was a fun if extremely dated slasher from 1982. It’s got intensely awkward scenes, lots of nudity, and is the ultimate form of copycat slasher bullshit. Listen to Horror Movie Talk’s take on this fun and puzzling slasher.

Pieces can be found on Shudder and Amazon.

Watch the trailer for Pieces:


Pieces starts with a young boy putting a smutty puzzle together. His mom walks in on him fiddling around with this puzzle and does what any good mom would do; she flips out. The boy leaves and comes back within ten seconds wielding an ax that he uses to murder the bejesus out of his mom. This supposedly happens in the 1940s, which is weird because I don’t know for sure, but I imagine it was remarkably hard to get your hands on a smut puzzle from the ’80s in the ’40s.

We fast forward in time 40 years to a university that is
having some issues with a grizzly series of chainsaw murders. The movie
transforms into a who done it with plenty of potential suspects that could be
the shadowy killer who seemingly only targets attractive, naked co-eds.

Pieces wants to be a fun, funny, cult slasher, and to some extent it is. It tried so hard to cash in on the early slasher craze that it actually ends up being a fun, funny, cult slasher because of how hard it falls on its face. It is good because it’s bad, and it’s funny because it’s not. Gratuitousness and bad irony are what rules the day in Pieces, and I had a pretty fun time watching this.

My Rating


On paper, this movie
is a solid 2/10, but somehow, through
silly bullshit and charm, it edges it’s way up into a pretty watchable piece of
camp fun.

Spoiler for Pieces

In the opening where the little boy kills his mom, the goof-factor is already off the charts.
How did this boy make it to ten years old without already killing his mom? So
much about this scene is silly that I immediately knew I was in for a good

When the police entered the room where the boy murdered his mother, they found her severed head in the
closet, and I laughed out loud at how alive the actor who played his mother was
behind that dresser. I think I saw her eyes move.

Cutting up your mom really can take it out of you.

The stars of Pieces are all B movie and TV actors, with the only two actors of any real note being Lynda Day George (Mary Riggs, the hot undercover cop/tennis player) and Christopher George (Lt. Bracken who looks an awful lot like a young Roger Moore).

There was a lot of audio dubbing and voice over work in this movie, which was distracting at first, but after some time it just added to the campiness of it.