Horror Movie Talk

Horror Movie Talk

Underwater (Movie) Review

January 15, 2020

Underwater is in theaters right now and I did not expect much, which left me pleasantly surprised when I didn’t have a bad time. As far as underwater spooks and adventure go, Underwater is unique enough to hold my attention, but it doesn’t pull off anything amazing. 

Dgoebel00 on instagram provided this amazing pic. Follow him for more great horror art. Also, check out his website.

* Skip to Intro - 0:40* Skip to Trailer - 4:17* Skip to Synopsis - 6:36* Skip to Review - 8:39* Skip to Score - 10:05* Skip to Spoilers - 21:15* Skip to Lifetime Movie or Horror Movie - 50:00 * Skip to It Came From Social Media - 59:11* Skip to Outro - 1:15:26

Underwater Synopsis

Underwater stars Kristen Stewart as Norah, T.J. Miller as the unnamed goofball, and Vincent Cassel as the captain who looks just like my friend


This is an
incredibly simple story that starts with Kristen Stewart describing life 
- underwater - in this massive - underwater - facility that is made to support a drilling operation at the
bottom of the Mariana Trench, which of course, is - underwater. 

After a few
minutes the facility begins to implode, and our leading lady is forced to begin
her - underwater - quest to escape. 

Along the
way she runs into a few friends who have miraculously survived the facility
being torn to shred at this crushing depth. Once she meets up with the captain,
they hatch a plan to escape but soon find themselves in over their heads!

Feel the intense teeth-brushing action!

Underwater Review

Underwater is a by-the-books movie that reminded me of Sphere (1998) mixed with Aliens and The Abyss.

Miller does exactly what you think he is going to do, and so does Kristen
Stewart. In fact, all of the characters do the things you think they are going
to do. Does that make it bad? No, just predictable.

Pretty cool poster, if I do say so.

I liked the
monster design in this, which is saying something because I rarely enjoy
monster design.

Score for Underwater


Spoilers for Underwater

Expand for Spoilers

There isn't a whole lot to spoil in this movie. If you read my synopsis, you kind of get it. The monster(s) are really the x-factor and the interesting part of this movie, along with the journey to the bottom of the sea.

Kids Piloting Multi-Trillion Dollar Drilling Rigs

Ok, this is going to make me sound like a wet, old fart, but goddamnit I'm going to say it anyway. Twenty somethings are not who I would expect to be the focus of this movie. There's a freaking intern for Christ-sake!

For another totally implausible underwater scenario, check out our review of The Meg
