Horror Movie Talk

Horror Movie Talk

Doctor Sleep Review

November 06, 2019

We saw an early screening of Doctor Sleep, and I was treated to what I believe to be the best horror blockbuster of the year. This is the movie that Brightburn told us it would be. A compelling superhero story with a horror twist. On top of all that high praise, I truly believe that this is a worthy spiritual successor to The Shining, which is one of my all-time favorite movies ever. Doctor Sleep is impressive, serious, and fun.

* Skip to Intro - 0:27* Skip to Trailer - 4:51* Skip to Synopsis - 7:29* Skip to Review - 14:10* Skip to Score - 16:13* Skip to Spoilers - 25:16* Skip to Final Recommendations - 1:07:05* Skip to Taglines - 1:08:30 * Skip to Outro and Special Thanks - 1:15:45

Doctor Sleep can be found in theaters tomorrow evening and this weekend, and I
highly suggest you see it.


Doctor Sleep Synopsis

Doctor Sleep isn’t so much a sequel to The Shining as it is a continuation of the story of Danny Torrance (Ewan McGregor then Danny Lloyd), from The Shining. It loops in lots of other interesting characters who also shine and does a better job of defining what “the shining” is than Kubrick’s film did.

Danny boy by Dustin Goebel whose Instagram you should follow @Dgoebel00

It follows Danny through
some of his childhood immediately following the death of his deranged father,
Jack, and it picks up the timeline in 2011 and again in 2019.

This movie uses a
parallel plot structure to introduce us to the important players in the story,
which weaves together into one cohesive tale that had me fully bought in. 

Danny grows up, beats
his demons, and settles down into a job where he excels, and then his life gets
flipped - turned upside down by a little girl who shines. He eventually takes
her under his wing the same way Hallorann took Danny under his.

Doctor Sleep Review

There is a definite “bad
guy” in this movie, which I won’t go into until the spoilers section. From what
I can tell, the critical response to Doctor Sleep the book was favorable
with exception to the bad guy. I can see how it might not translate well on
paper but, the baddie in the movie was fabulous and iconic to me.

The sound design was
impressive as hell to me. It kept me in the moment and feeling tension the
whole way through. 

The visuals were well
thought out, slow and meticulous. This movie had some very cool panning shots,
which I mentioned in our last episode which covered, The Lighthouse.

Heeeere's Danny!

The characters and
storyline were top tier, and the casting was maybe the best I’ve ever seen.
They re-enacted scenes from The Shining to a truly impressive degree. The set
design was incredible.

Of all the things I was
impressed with about Doctor Sleep I think the most telling one is that I
don’t feel any resentment at all about it being the sequel to one of the most
iconic horror movies of all time. The artistry behind this movie was impressive,