HOPE is Here
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Food for Thought Friday!
When there is a fight between your heart and your head, experience has taught me the best thing you can do is pick up your bible and be reminded of what God’s word says. Gratitude is a skill. If you practice it, it will give you a joyful life regardless o
The Church Can Make a Difference
When it comes to mental health, the church has an opportunity and a responsibility to care for those suffering. Kay Warren lost her son to suicide in 2013. Mental illness is real, common, and treatable. There is hope! Kay created a group called Breathe to
Matthew's Mental Health with Kay Warren
Helping people with mental health challenges, Kay Warren shares about her son, Matthew, and his lifelong struggle with mental illness. Kay shares how she knew Matthew was different as a very young child. Matthew died by suicide at age 20. Kay and her husb
4 Ways to Stay Thank-Full
Greg finishes up yesterdays broadcast sharing 4 ways we can stay thank-full through the holidays using the acronym P-R-A-Y. Give thanks in all circumstances.________________________________________________________________________Look for HOPE is Here:-
Thanksgiving is past and Christmas is right around the corner, but how do we remain thank-full throughout the hustle and bustle of the holiday season? Its not the happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy. When youre grateful,
Food for Thought Friday!
Greg shares 14 minute of HOPE nuggets in todays broadcast! These are nuggets of truth and inspiration hes heard through the week that he wants to share with us! Tune in and get your hope tank filled up!__________________________________________________
Is it a Sin to be Wealthy?
Blazer Smith, vice president of the National Christian Foundation of Kentucky talks about what a family might look like once they adopt the practice of biblical generosity. What does scripture say about being rich? About giving sacrificially? Is it a sin
Biblical Generosity
Blazer Smith, vice president of the National Christian Foundation of Kentucky, joins Greg to talk about biblical generosity. Blazer talks about biblical examples of generosity and how we can reset our hearts to give with more impact, cultivate unity in ou
The Source of HOPE and Confidence
God is our source of hope and he will give us joy and peace when we trust in him. If you want to have radical hope and gratitude, we need to ask the Holy Spirit for help. Greg explores the five benefits of radical gratitude. ______________________________
Radical Gratitude
Is your gratitude bucket full to overflowing? As followers of Jesus, we should have overflowing gratitude in all situations. Lou Holtz said, Dont tell your problems to people. 80% dont care and the other 20% are glad you have them! Lets look at the b