Hope for the Introvert

Latest Episodes
Episode 34: Victoria Lioznyansky–Public Speaking for Introverts
Episode 034 Show Notes: Victoria Lioznyansky Introduction Victoria Lioznyansky and Ben Woelk discuss public speaking for introverts and the secret to being a great presenter. LinkedIn Email Key concepts Public speaking for introverts Secrets to being a...
Episode 033: Victoria Lioznyansky–Introverts and Starting a Business
Episode 033 Show Notes: Victoria Lioznyansky Introduction Victoria Lioznyansky and Ben Woelk discuss starting a small business as an introvert, discussing her experiences with Nutty Scientists of Houston and the Brilliant Speakers Academy.
Episode 032: Eeshita Grover–Leveraging Introvert Strengths
Episode 032 Show Notes: Eeshita Grover Introduction Eeshita Grover and Ben Woelk discuss leveraging your introvert strengths in the workplace as a manager and to advance in your career. LinkedIn Email Key concepts Introverts have a heightened sense of ...
Episode 031: Eeshita Grover–Getting Out of Your Bubble
Episode 031 Show Notes: Eeshita Grover Introduction Eeshita Grover and Ben Woelk discuss the need to get out of your bubble to achieve your aspirations, the best placement of techcomm teams, and working in an open office setting.
Episode 030: Andrea Childress–Women in IT and Information Security Leadership
Episode 030 Show Notes: Andrea Childress Introduction Andrea Childress and Ben Woelk discuss women in IT and Information Security leadership in Higher Education, her Women in Security panel presentation at the EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference...
Episode 029: Andrea Childress–Building Social Skills and Networking
Episode 029 Show Notes: Andrea Childress Introduction Andrea Childress and Ben Woelk discuss building social skills as an introvert, networking, and the importance of mentoring. Note: Andrea is now UNK Chief Information Officer and University of Nebras...
Episode 28: Megan Mack–Introverts and Improvisation
Episode 028 Show Notes: Megan Mack Introduction Megan Mack and Ben Woelk discuss the importance of improvisation exercises for introverts and building communication skills. Twitter Email Key concepts Improvisation skills help introverts Improv is about...
Episode 027: Megan Mack–Empathy and Meaningful Discourse
Episode 027 Show Notes: Megan Mack Introduction Megan Mack and Ben Woelk talk about empathy, meaningful discourse and countering hate speech, not being the loudest voice in the room, and trusting your instincts.
Episode 026: Ben Woelk–Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Episode 026 Show Notes: Ben Woelk Introduction Ben Woelk shares his article, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road: A Leadership Journey to the Emerald City.” Ben discusses the leadership lessons from the journey for the Scarecrow, a Rational leader,
Episode 025: Gabby Pascuzzi–Survivor, Vulnerability, and Authenticity
Episode 025 Show Notes: Gabby Pascuzzi Introduction Gabby Pascuzzi and Ben Woelk talk about Survivor, being vulnerable with your emotions, leaning in to who you are, and the need for authenticity in the workplace.