Hoos-band and Wefe

Hoos-band and Wefe

Latest Episodes

Interlogue: Racial Injustice Hits Home
June 08, 2020

It's been a difficult couple of weeks. Not only was a man murdered while in police custody, but that act of racial injustice seems to be the straw that has broken the camel's back, as protests in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and against poli

Chapter Three: Hiding Red Flags and Fiscal Irresponsibility with Romance and Charm
May 18, 2020

There were a lot of reasons that our intrepid couple shouldn't have been together in the beginning, and in this episode we cover the biggest three - all of which were Hoos-Band's problems: addiction issues, sexual experience, and no concept of how to hand

Chapter Two: Christmas Circumcision, Or, How Carly Taught Her Entire Family to Hate the Band "Train"
May 04, 2020

Three weeks into our relationship and we're already getting pretty serious. Admittedly, it's as puppy a love as puppy love gets, but we're into it. And then Christmas vacation hits. Hoos-band goes back to California. Wefe stays in Indiana with her family.

Chapter One: AOL Instant Messenger
April 27, 2020

COVID-19 persists, and we don't know for how long. So, we've decided to go ahead and return to the original premise for this podcast. So, we begin with Chapter One of my and Carly's love story: AOL Instant Messenger. This is the story of how we met, the c

A Romantic Easter
April 13, 2020

This was a great Easter for us. We found a way to celebrate Christ AND focus on each other, and turn our Easter into something romantic. Tune in to hear us tell the story. Other highlights include Hoos-Band becoming King of the House (complete with pool-f

How to Feel Like a Person
April 06, 2020

Based on an idea gratefully stolen from the Lazy Genius Podcast and the amazing Kendra Adachi, this week, Wefe leads her Hoos-band through a slap-happy discussion of what they each need to continue to feel like persons in the midst of quarantine and crazi

Emotionally Honest Requests
March 27, 2020

Its here! The first episode of Hoos-band and Wefe: Carly and Paul sit down to discuss being married and staying sensitive to each others needs in the midst of COVID-19, and how to make emotionally honest requests, even when its hard.--- Send in a v