World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

Latest Episodes

230: Are We Here On Earth Just For The Ride?
July 29, 2017

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu ask about the expansion of the universe

229: Are You Expecting A Different Future?
July 22, 2017

In 200 years, have we changed much?

228: The Flat Earth, and George Washington
July 15, 2017

Questions, questions, questions - here are the answers!

227: Is Trump's America Part Of Paradise Earth?
July 08, 2017

Political Freedom and Evolution of Consciousness in Trump's America

226: Is It Time For Your Greatest Manifestations?
July 01, 2017

This is a time of extraordinary potent energies!

225: A Vision Of An Extraordinary Future
June 24, 2017

In truth, the natural human is cooperative, harmonious and loving.

224: Celebrities Dying and The Return of Nibiru
June 17, 2017

Why so many celebrities died in 2016, and the return of Nibiru!

223: Answers From The Akashic Records
June 10, 2017

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu ask, and answer, deep questions about our world!

222: The Parasite of Fear
June 03, 2017

Living off its host, and likely to cause you pain - what is it?

221: Lev Natan on Spiritual Leadership
May 27, 2017

Is spiritual leadership the way to truly serve human society and Earth?