World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

Latest Episodes

251: The Planes of Existence
December 23, 2017

We knew the ones after death, but planes of existence in life?

250: Is The Tunnel of Light a Trick?
December 16, 2017

A video generated so much controversy and so much uncertainty!

249: Do You Not Think God Wants This - The Video
December 09, 2017

Aingeal Rose asked a crucial question!

248: Witness The Hanging
December 02, 2017

The hanging rope was tightened around Ethan's neck!

247: Do You Not Think God Wants This?
November 25, 2017

Aingeal Rose asked a critical question!

246: Has Ahonu Started A New Fashion?
November 18, 2017

Ahonu introduces his spirit art and shows what can be done with it.

245: How To Change The Future
November 11, 2017

How To Change The Future with Aingeal Rose

244: How To Find What God’s Will Is For You
November 04, 2017

Aingeal Rose uncovers the real reason you are here on Earth

243: How To Overcome Fear
October 28, 2017

Aingeal Rose teaches how to overcome fear from her own experiences.

242: Sunset On Pilot Butte (Part 2 of 2)
October 21, 2017

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu discuss life and death issues at sunset on Pilot Butte