World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

255: Are You A Generator Or A Transformer?

January 20, 2018

The Honest-To-God Series has been focused on the exploration of consciousness, and in this session Aingeal Rose & Ahonu asked and answered questions about the consciousness of ENERGY. Specifically, Ahonu asked: What does Source have to say about the way we absorb energies from those around us or from the environment? Do we process energies for one another? Is one of the purposes of the human body to be a transformer or a generator? Are we absorbing each other all the time, and if so, how do we handle it? Are we supposed to process each other, or do we only do it because we have the same belief system? Are we all absorbing and processing to keep some semblance of balance in the world? Is the state of affairs due to the inability to process each others /the planets energies? How do you tell where something originates? Are we more beautiful when we are conscious? What would it be like if there was no more judgment/guilt/negativity to process? What is our connection to St. Germain and the equaled armed cross? Is the Course In Miracles trying to get us to deny the sickness/ death paradigm? You can find this episode called "Are You A Generator Or A Transformer?" on YouTube here: But of course, you are welcome to have a listen right on The Honest-to-God Series podcast. Whether you watch or listen, please send us your feedback. You have been listening to Aingeal Rose and Ahonu on World of Empowerment Radio - your station for practical spirituality in a changing world! Let us know your thoughts on it all. Make sure you are subscribed to us on YouTube, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play or on our podcast site at so you never miss an episode. Also remember to check out our new World of Empowerment website where we have a whole new program of spiritual goodies for you. You can find that at You can listen to all our podcasts on iTunes, on Google Play, iHeart Radio, or Stitcher Radio.