World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

100: Heather Wolfe, You - and the Yoga of Nurturance

February 07, 2014

Heather Wolfe was born in Ireland and trained there as a nurse before moving to USA. She currently lives in Salem, MA where she has a private practice in Whole Body Coaching, based on her years of practicing and teaching Polarity Therapy and other holistic modalities. She experienced a diagnosis of breast cancer six years ago, and after some surgery, refused chemo and radiation to form her own healing path to wellness. She subsequently wrote "A Guide to Breast Cancer - A Whole Body A to Z - Conventional and Alternative". The last time she was with us on the Honest-to-God series she talked about her background in Ireland, her love of conventional & alternative medicine, male/female roles in relationships, sexual energy, importance of good nutrition, acidity in the body, fear/stress/toxicity, milk, sugars, wheat and growing your own food, community support and efforts to help cancer patients, the stress of diagnosis, laughing your way to health, and the power of prayer. Join us for an interesting conversation as we explore Heather's powerful journey to wellness!