World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

97: Coping With Change - Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

January 17, 2014

We talked about...
1. This time of change.
2. How children are reared.
3. The Educational System in general.
4. Summerhill School in UK and Tekos School in the Russian Taiga.
5. Kundalini and the Path of Courage.
6. How Kundalini is our Spirit.
7. How to move out of stuckness.
8. Mastering this Solar System.
9. Depression and Powerlessness.
10. Spirit as a force of Nature.
11. Choosing peace.
12. Manifesting in the Quantum Field.
13. Will power and wakefulness.
14. Transformational writing.
15. Choosing a different reality.
16. …and much more!