World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

95: Penny Kelly - How sex is a path to achieving the Godhead

January 03, 2014

We’ve had Penny Kelly on several times discussing Consciousness and Energy and her work with Dr. Levengood on Crop Circles, Bovine Incisions, her encounter with the Elves of Lilly Hill Farm and her subsequent book of that name, and the Learning Center that she opened at Lilly Hill Farm in Lawton MI. For those of you that may have missed those episodes, here is a little update - Penny Kelly is a writer, teacher, consultant, speaker, publisher, and Naturopathic physician. She has been researching and exploring consciousness, cognition, perception and intelligence for over 30 years and has written six books of her own while at the same time, publishes books on the subjects of spirituality and health for others. Penny has shared with us her experiences of consciousness and the growth of awareness, and the most recent time we discussed dreams and whether Jesus actually ever really lived or not. Today we are continuing our discussions on consciousness but specifically about Sex and Kundalini.
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Summary: We talked about...
• The definition of Kundalini and the chakras.
• The school system, authority, rules and desires.
• How sexuality is tied to evolution.
• Ancient times of the gods and goddesses.
• Sex as a sacrament, sex as a celebration.
• Matrilineal times and how sexuality was the key to higher consciousness.
• The current patriarchal society and its imbalances and how the solution is not to try to reverse it but to blend and balance it.
• The chakras as lights like Morning Glory’s.
• There was no form in thought. How the “I am†powers our existence and the amount of light that we take in is what radiates out which is why it's important that the chakras are open and fully functional.
• Having control over the sexual experience.
• Guilt and indoctrination around sexuality.
• Sexuality not being about finding a lover or husband or wife.
• Every cell has a north and south pole oriented in the direction to pick up the information about their own function in order to work well.
• Sexuality as a healing function.
• Poor health is the start of poor decisions.
• Healing ourselves in 20 minutes.
• Celibacy was about nourishing the sexual arousal not denying it.
• The importance of having a sense of humor around sexuality.
• Being in love with all life everywhere.
• The challenge of feeling all we have to feel.
• Allowing that full feeling to flow through the mind, body and spirit.
• How sex is a path to achieving the Godhead.
• We are part of the system of life designed to nourish all life everywhere.
• Many people recognize the truth around the distortions of sex.
• Romance as a path to sustainable truth around sexuality.
• Selling your soul to the establishment.
• Standing with your partner in magic.
• The more you love and are loved, the more of yourself you become.
• We are here for the joy of love.
• Men have much work to do to hold the highest outcome from sexuality.
• We are our planet’s highest hope.