World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

225: A Vision Of An Extraordinary Future

June 24, 2017

In this episode, Ahonu replayed his vision of an extraordinary new world. Being unwell last week, he awoke from a high fever and spoke his experience into a recorder so he would remember it, not intending it for broadcast. However, it came up in the discussion and you will hear his raw, uncensored description of his brief and wonderful vision of the future. In this discussion, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu refer to the Answers From The Akashic Records session ( where a student asked about the murderous human. They found that a high degree of fear makes people murderous. This fear comes from not feeling safe, and it is making people insane. It drives murderous tendencies. In truth, the natural human is co-operative, harmonious and loving, yet we are all affected by our environment. Negative imprints in the land were discussed, and how it can affect our outlook, and how we believe we must first die to experience real love. Aingeal Rose & Ahonu gave recommended ways to fix fear and offered a technique on how to be more discerning. They closed the show with a reference to the Course in Miracles line that says, "Sickness is a defense against the truth." The answers to these questions became the basis for Aingeal Rose's first book called A Time of Change which is available from Her 2nd book, called The Nature of Reality can be ordered from All this work is now published in the 100-book series entitled "Answers From The Akashic Records" and are available for only $7.99 each from Amazon here: The Kindle books are only $2.99. This is the time for accelerated advancement and we can all catch the wave. It is our intention that these sessions will help you shift and adjust to the demands of this time period because this time period is offering the potential for great illumination, joy, and blessings. We offer you this information from Source via the Akashic Records and hope you will experience peace, understanding, illumination and personal betterment from what is contained herein. So, if you have been confused, unsure, uncertain, or just plain curious about life and the Earth - you will find many answers here in these sessions. You will be surprised at the amount of profound content in the form of video, audio, and transcripts that we have collected from our many sessions into the Akashic Records and in our conversations with Source. Indeed, in this series of print, ebook, and audio books alone, we have 100 completed sessions in the Akashic library to date, and each month we add more! Each session is between 1-1½ hours, making the collection at the moment over 120 hours of deep, loving, life-changing content! Each session contains an average of 40 profound statements from the Akashic Records, bringing the total number of statements to over 4,000! We believe this is one of the largest collections of Akashic Records content in the world, and we are grateful to be able to offer this information to you during this major time of change on Earth. Remember, that throughout these sessions, Aingeal Rose was not in a trance and neither was she channeling through any spiritual or psychic entity, spirit, angel or ascended master. She simply down-steps this information and knowledge directly from Source. You can also listen on iHeart Radio and on iTunes, on Google Play, or Stitcher Radio.     With blessings, Twin Flame Productions tel (224) 588-8026 | mobile (828) 329-0833 website | newsletter | map | email Aingeal Rose & Ahonu are the founders of the World of Empowerment, a consciously aware community of like-minded people co-creating a new world of self-mastery and love of all life everywhere! It is a self-expansion experience! Learn to read the Akashic Records here. Aingeal Rose & Ahonu have published over 100 books, several of which deal with loss and guilt and death as well as how to remain positive and grow in awa