World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

224: Celebrities Dying and The Return of Nibiru

June 17, 2017

Ahonu and Aingeal Rose welcome you to this episode where, as part of the "Answers From The Akashic Records" series, we discussed why so many celebrities died in 2016, and the return of Nibiru! In this 30-min episode, we sought the answer to why so many celebrities died in 2016 and what was the explanation from the perspective of the Akashic Records. The second part of the show focussed on the return of Nibiru. According to Wikipedia, the Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. Whatever it is, our world may be in deep trouble and we know we are in a time of major change. We find that some people can move through these changes easily while others struggle with depression, illness, and disorientation. We understand that those reading this may have been experiencing the same thing - we have felt it ourselves, and there seemingly was no solution. For this reason, Aingeal Rose and I decided to invite people to come to weekly group sessions to inquire into the Akashic Records for the purpose of understanding our world, our spirituality, our earth changes and more. Aingeal Rose had been accessing the Akashic field for over 25 years doing private consultations for people around the world. You are listening to the results. The answers to these questions became the basis for Aingeal Rose's first book called A Time of Change which is available from Her 2nd book, called The Nature of Reality can be ordered from FYI, the answers to these questions became the basis for Aingeal Rose's first book called A Time of Change which is available from Her 2nd book, called The Nature of Reality can be ordered from All this work is now published in the 100-book series entitled "Answers From The Akashic Records" and are available for only $7.99 each from Amazon here: The Kindle books are only $2.99. This is the time for accelerated advancement and we can all catch the wave. It is our intention that these sessions will help you shift and adjust to the demands of this time period because this time period is offering the potential for great illumination, joy and blessings. We offer you this information from Source via the Akashic Records and hope you will experience peace, understanding, illumination and personal betterment from what is contained herein. So, if you have been confused, unsure, uncertain, or just plain curious about life and the Earth - you will find many answers here in these sessions. You will be surprised at the amount of profound content in the form of video, audio, and transcripts that we have collected from our many sessions into the Akashic Records and in our conversations with Source. Indeed, in this series of print, ebook, and audio books alone, we have 100 completed sessions in the Akashic library to date, and each month we add more! Each session is between 1-1½ hours, making the collection at the moment over 120 hours of deep, loving, life-changing content! Each session contains an average of 40 profound statements from the Akashic Records, bringing the total number of statements to over 4,000! We believe this is one of the largest collections of Akashic Records content in the world, and we are grateful to be able to offer this information to you during this major time of change on Earth. Remember, that throughout these sessions, Aingeal Rose was not in a trance and neither was she channeling through any spiritual or psychic entity, spirit, angel or ascended master. She simply down-steps this information and knowledge directly from Source. You can also listen on iHeart Radio and on iTunes, on Google Play, or Stitcher Radio.