World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

222: The Parasite of Fear

June 03, 2017

Fear is defined as, "an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat", and a parasite is, "an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense". So, in this episode, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu discuss "The Parasite of Fear"! It is a short but intense discussion about how we and our society are paralyzed by our parasitic ideas about who and what we think we are, and how we perpetuate that feeding off ourselves and others into our daily lives. This episode of The Honest-to-God Series opens the possibility for us that we don't need to be in fear, and we don't need to be parasites to ourselves or others, and we don't need to have others feed off us either. Aingeal Rose mentions the Transformational Writing Course. You can get it here, or email us if you'd like to find out more. Ahonu & Aingeal Rose, as always, suggest ways to nourish each other's highest, heroic outcomes. The elimination of fear, which is a parasite in our minds, is one of those demons that we must face. You can now listen on iHeart Radio and on iTunes, on Google Play, or Stitcher Radio. With blessings, Twin Flame Productions tel (224) 588-8026 | mobile (828) 329-0833 website | newsletter | map | email Aingeal Rose & Ahonu are the founders of the World of Empowerment, a consciously aware community of like-minded people co-creating a new world of self-mastery and love of all life everywhere! It is a self-expansion experience! Aingeal Rose & Ahonu have published over 100 books, several of which deal with loss and guilt and death as well as how to remain positive and grow in awareness. The 100-book series "Answers From The Akashic Records" is available for only $7.99 ea from The Kindle books are only $2.99. You can find more from Ahonu & Aingeal Rose from our Facebook community: Visit our website: Get the Honest-to-God Series: The World of Empowerment is here: SUBSCRIBE on YouTube for more consciousness-expanding podcasts and videos!