World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

233: Are We Descending Into Chaos?

March 18, 2017

Ahonu interviews Daryl Ochs on authentic and community leadership. Ahonu asks the critical question, "Are We Descending Into Chaos?" Daryl Ochs is an emerging thought leader specializing in community leadership. He calls himself a "subversive spirituality influencer". Daryl is also an author, a "Religious Recovery Coach", a speaker, and a friend to church escapees! Daryl facilitates authentic community and genuine togetherness for religiously challenged and discouraged church members of all faith traditions, through experiential coaching and guidance. In this interview, Daryl outlines his vision for the present and how it impacts our future. He speaks about communities and leadership as being much the same thing and proposes a framework for success and prosperity for our collective future. Dary, who lives in Bend, Oregon, says, "The leader of tomorrow will evolve into an integrated wholeness of body, mind, and spirit today. There is no longer separation between the sacred and secular, divine and human, leader and follower. The sun is now shining on a world awakening to genuine togetherness!" You can listen to all the podcasts on iTunes, on Google Play, iHeart Radio, or Stitcher Radio.   Aingeal Rose & Ahonu are the founders of the World of Empowerment, a consciously aware community of like-minded people co-creating a new world of self-mastery and love of all life everywhere! It is a self-expansion experience! Aingeal Rose & Ahonu have published over 100 books, several of which deal with loss and guilt and death as well as how to remain positive and grow in awareness. The 100-book series "Answers From The Akashic Records" is available for only $7.99 ea from The Kindle books are only $2.99. Want more from Ahonu & Aingeal Rose? Join our Facebook community: Visit our website: Get the Honest-to-God Series: The World of Empowerment is here: SUBSCRIBE on YouTube for more consciousness-expanding podcasts and videos!