World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

209: Is Loss A Doorway To Transformation? (Part 1 of 2)

March 04, 2017

  This is a presentation first delivered in March 2017 to the Spiritual Awareness Community of Central Oregon at the Old Stone Church in Bend, OR. It is a precursor to an exploration into the loss paradigm through the Akashic Records which is available as Part 2 of Is Loss A Doorway To Transformation? Aingeal Rose and Ahonu outlined how loss is the temptation to perceive yourself as guilty, and that loss exists because we don't believe we are "worthy". Another strong point they made was that loss would not exist if we did not believe in death, and when we defend death we defend loss and thereby keep it in our awareness! It was equally shocking to find that God/Source has not created loss a tool or a doorway for transformation - it is our own spirit that aways wants expansion and uses these experiences to grow. However, expansion does not always have to be experienced through loss and adversity. Remember, they also have 100 books being published this year, all in the Answers From The Akashic Records series. Many of these deal with loss and guilt and death. The first 10 are already available for only $7.99 from Amazon here: The Kindle books are only $2.99. The 100-book series is entitled "Answers From The Akashic Records". And please, if you're into consciousness expansion and growth of awareness, join the Facebook community here: Want more from Ahonu & Aingeal Rose? Visit their website at and get all their Honest-to-God Series Podcasts here: Have more questions? Leave a question below, or ask on their contact page on World of Empowerment at Don't Forget To SUBSCRIBE For More Consciousness Expanding Podcasts and Videos! Email: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: We hope you enjoy the show today. We enjoy interviewing inspiring authors, artists, healers and light bearers, and pioneers in the growth of awareness. After you listen, please leave a rating and review on iTunes. Your feedback encourages others and helps share truth in this great time of change! We see the Honest-to-God Series Podcast as our mission and our movement. So the more people get to hear our show, the more of a difference we can make. Here’s how it works: More subscriptions & 5-Star reviews = Higher rating in iTunes = More folks will listen! If you have iPhone/iPad/iOS: listen on iTunes/ If you have Android/Windows/Other: listen on Stitcher Closing: Remember to get your Profound Statements From The Akashic Records in your mailbox each day - Next week - IT COULD BE YOU - contact us to get on the show and discuss your spiritual breakthroughs, your book or your spiritual business! Until next time, we send you our love, blessings, and thanks for listening to AHONU & Aingeal Rose on the Honest to God Series! Slán agus beannacht Dé libh go leir! Til next time, stay warm and well, and enjoy this very special time of the year!       Aingeal Rose & Ahonu are the founders of the World of Empowerment, a consciously aware community of like-minded people co-creating a new world of self-mastery and love of all life everywhere! It is a self-expansion experience! They are also founders and directors of Twin Flame Productions LLC, which was founded in January 2016 "to produce high-quality books and multimedia for those who feel an affinity for universal wisdom and multi-disciplinary knowledge". Their websites are and and their books can be found on Amazon here: Contact them by visiting - your source for practical spirituality in a changing world! Sponsor: Sponsor is World of Empowerment: Practical Spirituality In A Changing World! If