World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

207: Are Coincidences Predestined, Or Do We Create Them?

February 18, 2017

Do you think coincidences are pre-destined? In this episode, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu discuss Synchronicity, Coincidence, & Serendipity especially as it relates to 11-11 and our fast changing world. This past week, they encountered all of it - in abundance!

They moved house, there was a full moon, a lunar eclipse, a comet flew by the earth, and it all happened on Ahonu's birthday on the 11th of February. When they got to their new house, there were 11 steps upstairs and their internet support number ended in - yes, 1111!

They talked about power numbers, pre-destiny, trust, manifesting, time, and much more. Have a listen, and have a laugh!