World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

202: Head Shave, Anyone?

December 24, 2016

I am Ahonu, and my lovely Aingeal Rose is not with me today because she is still in shock. You see, last week, I said we're all getting a head start for 2017, and I explained how that head start was starting with shaving my head! Well, I did it, and now I'm bald, and while Aingeal Rose did accommodate my wishes, she is still in mourning over the old Ahonu and his lost ponytail!

In this episode, I show my ponytail being cut off after 10 years, and ask the questions, does cutting your hair weaken or strengthen you? Is there something to the Native American belief that your hair is your thought, and cutting it reduces your ability to communicate and sense your environment? Is baldness more attractive than long hair? Or, does shaving your head help you clear past memories and help you grow in consciousness?

The book mentioned is Answers From The Akashic Records by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu and is available for only $7.99 from Amazon here: The Kindle book is only $2.99.