World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

199: Douglas Vernon speaks to Ahonu about Evolutionary SELF ...

November 26, 2016

Douglas Vernon speaks to Ahonu about Evolutionary SELF Healing. Douglas is a former TV producer and inventor who now runs a healing practice in Bend, OR. He can be contacted at vernondkv(at)

Douglas is one of the founding members of the "More Fully Human" meetup group that meets every Tuesday morning above Dudley's bookshop in Minnesota Avenue in Bend, Oregon.

Aingeal Rose & I joined this group when we first moved to Oregon, and the weekly discussions on consciousness and spiritual growth have been second to none! The members are representative of the growth of awareness that is blossoming around the world, and we are so proud to be part of it with you.

And please, if you're into consciousness expansion and growth of awareness, join our Facebook community here:

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