World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

193: Grace, a 10-year old, on Ghosts

September 29, 2016

Grace Rose is only 10 years old, yet she retains a composure around negative energies and ghosts that is worth paying attention to.

In this interview, Grace Rose tell us about the different types of energies, explaining that we can learn to distinguish them by their feel.

She tells of her experience finding an old-lady-ghost in one house she lived in, and then she describes her experience of meeting Violet, the one said to inhabit the most haunted house in America – the Whaley House in Old Town, San Diego.

Grace is typical of the new wave of Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow children that have birthed on Earth and her qualities of wisdom, gentleness, and remembrance of past lives are typical of their experiences.