World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

182: Color Your Chakras with Dr. Susan Shumsky

July 16, 2016

Color Your Chakras is a fun activity book for adults and children created by Dr. Susan Shumsky. Dannion Brinkley, author of "Saved By the Light" said "Dr. Susan Shumsky is one of the most genuine, sincere spiritual teachers that I am privileged to personally know. She is a rare treasure who truly walks her talk, and her profound connection with inner divinity is obvious."

Dr. Susan Shumsky is an award-winning, best-selling author of 13 books, published by New Page Books, Simon & Schuster, and Random House. A pioneer in the human potential field for nearly 50 years, she has taught meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition to thousands worldwide. Her books include The Power of Chakras, The Power of Auras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Exploring Meditation, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Ascension, and Instant Healing.

Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®―a unique, field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi―guru of the Beatles and of Deepak Chopra. She served on Maharishi’s personal staff for seven years.

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The chakras are powerful energy centers located in your subtle body. Unknown to many people, these vortexes of life energy govern and regulate your physical body. According to the ancient Tantric and Vedic scriptures of India, there are 14 chakras―seven major ones along your spinal column, and seven others, most of which are located in your brain. Each chakra performs a specific function and is associated with discrete body parts and aspects of mind.

Each chakra (or “wheel”) has a hub, where subtle energy conduits intersect; and spokes, which are radiations of subtle energy. Chakras are often likened to lotuses, and the radiations of energy are equated with lotus petals. The lotus petals on six of the seven major chakras comprise the entire Sanskrit alphabet, and the seventh major chakra vibrates all 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Each left-hand page in Color Your Chakras includes a description and explanation of each chakra or chakra deity. Each right-hand page is an appropriate drawing. The explanations include information about the drawings and the specific colors that are mentioned in the scriptures of ancient India.

Who is Dr. Susan Shumsky?

Dr. Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the best-selling author of 13 books, published by Simon & Schuster, Random House, and New Page. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent nearly 50 years teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her book titles include Miracle Prayer, Divine Revelation, Exploring Meditation, Exploring Auras, Exploring Chakras, How to Hear the Voice of God, Ascension, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Power of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, and Color Your Chakras.

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Dr. Shumsky has done over 600 speaking engagements and over 750 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, nationally syndicated TV and radio on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX news, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is featured in the