Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Be Leavin’ The Shield | Room Full of Nerd Stuff #22!

June 06, 2014

This week, the guys talk about the ‘Mortal Kombat X’ reveal, why Seth Rollins leaving The Shield is bad booking and how NXT is doing literally everything better than the main shows.

Room Full of Nerd Stuff is a geek-media podcast hosted by Atlanta based writer Christopher Baggett and Portland based artist Mike Perry. The two are life long fans of wrestling, comics, video games and Power Rangers. The show exists to discuss all forms of geeky media, regardless of age or relevance. For more nerdy goodness, subscribe to the show on iTunes.

You can follow Mike on Twitter at @NoDiceMike  and on Tumblr at! You can check out his portfolio at As of this posting, Mike is actively seeking commissioned work!

You can follow Christopher on Twitter at @JCBaggee and on Tumblr at! You can check out his work in progress portfolio at