Room Full of Nerd Stuff

Room Full of Nerd Stuff

AuRrGh!! w/ Mike & Chris, Episode #4: Iron Mmeh?

May 10, 2013

We recorded this podcast last Thursday, right after seeing Iron Man 3, but gave you all a week to see it. There’s soul crushing, life ending, heart breaking spoilers in this one, so you’ve been warned.

The topic starts off with Iron Man 3 but, of course, all manner of things come up, including my terrible Christian Bale as Batman impression. Be sure to join us next week as we run down the rest of the big summer blockbusters!

As always, you can subscribe to the show on iTunes here, and be sure to follow Mike on Twitter, as well as myself. If you liked this episode, leave a comment and let us know! If you hated this episode, still leave a comment so we can tell you your face smells.

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