HomeWise: Building Blocks for Discerning Women

HomeWise: Building Blocks for Discerning Women

Latest Episodes

National Assoc. of Childhood Development
March 12, 2018

Steve and Kara discuss the good work of the NACD and what their family has used them for and the results that they have seen through the assessments of their children and the advice given.

In Defense of Messiness
March 05, 2018

Steve and Kara Murphy talk about the messes we find in our homes and perhaps a different way of looking at it all.

Seeing Parenting Faults
February 06, 2018

How can you evaluate your own parenting without discouraging yourself? How do you keep from being blind to your own faults? How do you keep from constantly beating yourself up in unnecessary ways? Are you evaluating based on worldly parenting methods?

How Do Grandparents Fit into the Parenting Process?
January 30, 2018

What part do grandparents play in the lives of grandchildren? How can grandparents help lighten the load that young couples carry? What are some of the pitfalls that trip up generational living.

Raising Boys to Be Men
January 23, 2018

It is tough for boys to learn to be men in the current culture. How can you teach and train them to be hard working responsible men who will be able to provide for a family and take dominion in the world?

Diagnosing Your Child’s Spirituality
October 24, 2017

Is it a parent’s responsibility to know the spiritual state of your kids? Is it possible to know their spiritual state? How do you adjust your parenting to include spiritual training as well as physical training?

When Mom is Sick
October 10, 2017

How can a Christian family deal with it when mom is chronically ill? How can you still be a helpmeet to your husband when you can’t physically do the things you want to do? What are the benefits for the children in a household where mom is unwell?

Watering Your Child’s Talents without Sinking the Family Ship
October 03, 2017

How can you foster your kids’ talents and give them opportunities to grow? How can you evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of having one or more children involved in lessons, choirs, arts, athletics, etc? What are some options to reduce the drawbacks o...

Keeping Homeschool Expectations in Check
September 26, 2017

Are your expectations for your homeschool realistic? Do you find yourself stressed at the beginning of every school year? Do you live in constant fear that you aren’t doing enough or are failing your kids? Are you setting yourself up to fail?

Finding a Family Ministry
September 19, 2017

Can your family find ways to serve together? Should we be individualistic in how we pursue ministry opportunities? What are the benefits of all the age groups in the family ministering together? How do the family and the church relate to each other in ...
