Homeward Podcast

Homeward Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 2: There's No Place Like It
November 17, 2021

Benjamin has accepted his fate as Rubicon's pilot and now he'll take his first steps into the inner workings of the ship. From chaotic machine-filled halls to the serene Arboretum, Dana will show Benjamin everything Rubicon has to offer before bringing hi

Episode 2 Trailer
November 03, 2021

Trailer for Homeward: Episode 2.

Episode 1: A New Pilot
June 16, 2021

The colony ship Rubicon is on a journey of unknown duration in search of a new home for its stasis-kept passengers. Advanced to the point that it requires only a single pilot to operate, a select few have volunteered to sacrifice their lifetimes to bring

Episode 1 Trailer
June 02, 2021

Trailer for Homeward: Episode 1.