The Homeschool Sanity Show

The Homeschool Sanity Show

3 Child Discipline Lies That Make Homeschooling Harder

July 14, 2020

Hey, homeschoolers!

I've been talking with parents who struggle with child discipline, and I realized that I hear the same dysfunctional beliefs over and over again. I decided to share the discipline truths that can you set you free to enjoy your homeschooling in the next two episodes. Most of these truths won't be new to you, but we can all benefit from reminders. Our culture often encourages us to believe lies about child discipline, so I am going to do my part to be counter-cultural.

Before I discuss the first discipline lie, I encourage you to check out the class I created for angry parents. The cost for this valuable, life-changing class, specifically designed for Christian homeschool parents? Just $7. I have been told the price is too low, and maybe it is. I want people to understand that it's not a cheap class. But I also want many who need the help in changing a anger habit to have access to the class. My advice to you is to grab it before I increase the price.
Podcast Sponsor

I also want to thank my sponsor for this episode:  the Homeschool Moms Science Podcast

This new podcast is specifically geared toward helping homeschool moms teach and enjoy science.

It's hosted by homeschool dad, scientist, and former college professor, Greg Landry.

Topics include:

- When to take which middle and high school science classes
- Why you should laser focus on the ACT and ditch the SAT
- What they learned from finding and choosing colleges for their homeschooled daughters
- How teaching science should differ for likely science major students and non-science students
- Do you have a palmaris longus?
- What you should know about CLEP and AP
- The unusual benefit of daily graphing
- Your science teaching questions answered
- 4 science teaching mistakes and how to avoid them
- And much more

Listen to this upbeat, encouraging, sometimes humorous podcast for homeschool moms...
including the science story of Greg Landry meeting his wife.

Search for Homeschool Moms Science Podcast on your podcast app or visit college prep science dot com slash podcast

Now for today's topic: 3 child discipline lies that make homeschooling harder
#1 My child is an exception to the rules
One of the most common discipline lies I hear from parents is that their child is in some way an exception. The child has special needs, the child has numerous mental health diagnoses, or the child is strong-willed to an extent that has never been seen before. Because of these exceptional differences in the child, this child cannot be disciplined. Nothing will work. Or at least nothing traditional. Parents of these exceptional children tell me that standard child training principles will not work, so they wait as I scan my memory for a magic bullet. Perhaps I have heard of some new, powerful technique or some ancient practice that has been intentionally hidden from parents.

I have fallen for this lie many times, I am sad to say. I have watched Supernanny with the same anticipation, waiting for her to teach parents a new trick for an exceptionally out-of-control child. But I have never seen her pull out a magic solution. In fact,