The Homeschool Sanity Show

The Homeschool Sanity Show

Teaching Media Literacy In High School

July 23, 2024

Hey, homeschoolers! I think media literacy is a course we should consider including in our high school curriculum plan. When I learned that friend Nate Noorlander was teaching a class on it, I asked him to rejoin me on the podcast to discuss it. Nate gave me a new perspective that I hope blesses you as it did me.

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    • Media literacy is an important skill for high school students to navigate the internet safely and critically evaluate information.

    • Determining source reliability, bias, and perspective is crucial in media literacy.

    • Epistemological humility, the willingness to doubt oneself and be open to different perspectives, is a valuable skill in media literacy.

    • Finding accurate information in the age of social media and the 24-hour news cycle can be challenging.

    • Having conversations about media literacy with children is important, and parents can take media literacy courses alongside their children.

    • The Nomadic Professor offers courses on media literacy, American history, free speech, and world history.

Media Literacy Resources

Teaching History on Location

Media Literacy on Nomadic

Media Literacy through Aim Academy

YouTube Nomadic Professor

Have a happy homeschool week!

The post Teaching Media Literacy In High School appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.
