Homeschooling with Technology

Homeschooling with Technology

PHET Science Simulations

August 28, 2019

Episode 49: PHET Science Simulations with Kristin Moon

Today's interview is with Kristin Moon from Kristin Moon Science and the topic is PHET Science Simulations. You can also follow her on Facebook.

Why use simulations

Simulations allow students to have a concrete idea of concepts that are difficult to explain.

What are PHET simulations

They are free simulations on the topics of math, physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science that are useful for students of all grade levels. They are created by the University of Colorado in Boulder and you can find them here.

Favorite simulations

* Build an Atom

* Balancing Chemical Equations

* Reactants, Products, and Leftovers

* Molecule Shapes

Other good simulations

* Equality Explorer (it helps kids "see" how algebra works)

* Balloons and Static Electricity (kids can "see" how static charge builds)

* Gene Expression Essentials (students direct the formation of three different proteins from three different genes)

* Circuit Builder

Visit show sponsor FundaFunda Academy for their online Ecoloy, Biology and Earth Science classes. They also are introducing web-based unit studies for 4th - 8th graders on anatomy.

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