Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Latest Episodes

Preparing Our Teens For Life | 86
November 30, 2021

On today's podcast, we are joined by Jen Dodrill. Jen has some wonderful insight on preparing teens for life. So many kids are entering college and the workforce without the necessary life skills to s

Dyslexia and Igniting the Brain | 85
November 23, 2021

On today's podcast, we will be speaking with Dr. Rebecka Spencer about Homeschooling With Dyslexia and Igniting your child’s brain. We so appreciate Dr. Spencer’s insights, because as a highly degreed

Slowing Down In An Ever-Changing World | 84
November 16, 2021

On today's podcast, we are joined by Paige Gallant. Many of you follow along as Paige shares her heart and the rhythm of her family’s life on Instagram as “On The Cove Homeschool.” Like many of you, P

When God Puts Your Dreams On Hold | 83
November 09, 2021

On today's podcast, we are joined by Rachael Carman. As we were chatting, Leslie was struck by how many times she wisely stopped to say, “This is something moms need to hear…” And she was right! Today

Cultivating a Love of Reading | 82
November 02, 2021

We are joined by Crystal Wiley who is the creator of CM Simple Studies. Crystal has done a lot of study on the impact of cultivating a love of reading and literature within our children, and she has a

Life Under Communism – and the hope that can be found even there | 81
October 26, 2021

Today’s episode is INCREDIBLE, for I’m talking with Izabella McMillon who grew up in Communist Romania. I asked Izabella to share her experience and help us all better understand exactly what living u

Can It Happen In Your Home? Bullying, Cyber Bullying, and Other Abuses | 80
October 19, 2021

When I first started talking to today’s guest, my initial thought was “surely, it doesn’t happen here…” although I knew in my heart that bullying, cyber bullying and other abuses are indeed happening

Fostering Resiliency In Children | 79
October 12, 2021

This past year and a half has been challenging in so many ways, and our children have really been stretched as they’ve missed out on so much, had to change the way they do things, seen things they lov

The Life Changing Power of Forgiveness | 78
October 05, 2021

Can you imagine experiencing something so horrific that it changed your life forever-- and then finding the grace to forgive the people who orchestrated that? Our guest today tells a story of that kin

Transferring Responsibility to your Children | 77
September 28, 2021

Charla McKinley of Beyond Personal Finance joins the TTD podcast! Charla and Leslie will discuss practical ways for parents to teach and steward their children when it comes to money. Charla will shar