Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

Broadcasting Hope: The Impact of Christian Music Radio | 291

May 21, 2024

Join us in this episode of the Teach Them Diligently podcast as we dive into the world of Christian music broadcasting with Michelle Younkman, Executive Director at Christian Music Broadcasters. She discusses the impact of Christian broadcasting and how it has changed over the years, reaching millions of listeners each week. Michelle emphasizes the importance of having a heart to serve and shares stories of how Christian radio has touched and transformed lives. She also provides insights on the various roles and skill sets needed in Christian broadcasting and offers advice for homeschool parents on preparing their children for a career in this field. Michelle highlights the upcoming event, CMB University, which equips young people to pursue careers in Christian music broadcasting. Discover how radio stations are using music as a powerful tool to spread the gospel message, impacting millions of lives each week. From heartwarming stories to career insights, this episode will inspire and uplift you. 

Meet The Guest:

Michelle joined Christian Music Broadcasters in 2011 after working 15 years on the label side of the music industry where her concentration was on radio promotion.She has juggled her role as an executive with homeschooling her three children. After 18 years, she is finally graduating her youngest son. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore Michelle Younkman's journey from working in the music industry to leading Christian Music Broadcasters. 
  • Learn about the evolution of Christian broadcasting and its mission to reach hearts with hope and encouragement. 
  • Hear powerful stories of transformation and the role Christian radio plays in people's lives. 
  • Gain insights into the various roles and skill sets needed in the Christian broadcasting community. 
  • Discover how homeschooling families can prepare their children for careers in Christian music broadcasting. 

Additional Resources:

Find out more about CMB HERE

Click HERE for more information about our CMB University event
